installation #31(RGB)

#31(RGB) is an installation I made together with Gerard Holthuis. It consists of 80 lights hanging from the ceiling in the shape of a spherical surface. The lights are in three colours: R, G and B, and different lighting intensities produce different relations between the colours of the lamps themselves and the overall light diffused by walls, floor and ceiling.

The programme modulating the intensities and rhythms of the lights is a cyclical composition using a wide range of behaviours of the lightpatterns, in order to continually transform the perception of the space.

The first version of #31(RGB) was commisioned by Stroom HCBK, in The Hague. It was exhibited in their gallery at the Toussaintkade 55 in The Hague, from february 18, 2001 until march 31, 2001.



(Photo’s by Hein van Liempd)